Option to set default thread type tab to question or other type

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
In regard to this post and Chris's answer, I am finding that I also want a forum that is not entirely questions, however is actually geared mostly towards questions.

The problem is that most (in my experience anyway) users won't actually notice the tabs for different topyes that are allowed in a forum that is defeined as a discussion forum that allows other types.

So for this scenario (which I believe we may all begin to find is quite common) it would be great if we could make Question the default focussed tab.


There are alternative solutions such as having no tab default, and users a forced to choose a tab - so it would work a bit like thread fields. This would basically be like radio buttons that start out with no default.
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Upvote 38
Upvoted but I much prefer the idea of being able to set a default vs. prompting the user to select a thread type. Makes less work for the user as long as they are actually doing what is intended (using the default type). Of course, you run the risk of someone just taking what's there and posting discussion type posts as questions and so on.
Of course, you run the risk of someone just taking what's there and posting discussion type posts as questions and so on.
Yes, mostly they are going to ignore anything so just use the default . Personally I think having to choose is best - just like yo u can make them choose prefix.
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