It has everything to do with it... I'm pretty sure that Netflix and WordPress are not running Windows on the backend. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of the actual netflix stuff (the streaming) is coming in via AWS and netcraft shows that their servers are running Linux or citrix netscaler. WordPress is (their main domain) shown to be running Linux.
I believe Yandex is running on FreeBSD and either FreeBSD or Linux (you seeing a trend here yet?).
Just because those sites use nginx doesn't mean that they are running Windows as their OS. The main point being that most people won't use a BETA of nginx on their production server for Windows OS. They will use either Apache or IIS.
You want a suggestion to get it to work nicely.. follow the flow and dump Windows as your OS and go with either centOS or Debian (or a derivative thereof) and you should see a drastic speed increase.
It's hard to tell from what you stated... your php.ini is posted from an ubuntu site but some of the posts above reflect that you are using Windows on the server?