XF 1.5 Operate with PHP 7.4?


Well-known member
I know - this installation needs to be upgrade to 2.2.x. This is one community I just haven't had the time to port everything into 2 with yet along with the rest of this site, which runs on an outdated CMS. I know it's been two years :LOL:. I promise my other sites are on 2.2.x.

Anyway, I'm moving this community over from an old shared hosting plan to my own VPS. I have PHP 8 and PHP 7.4 installed, and I'd really rather not install anything older that the 7.4. Will XF 1.5.x work OK with PHP 7.4? Does anyone have experience with that? I do plan on upgrading this particular site soon, but I need to move it over to the VPS because I'm letting the shared hosting plan die off.
Can I run the upgrade directly to XF 1.5.24 from 1.5.6. ?
Yes - the upgrade script will step through all interim versions.

I’ve been reluctant to make any changes since I have a number of customizations that I don’t want to break
It's possible you will need to address issues related to third party styles, and add-ons, template modifications, custom CSS, etc. when going from 1.5.6 to 1.5.24.
It's possible you will need to address issues related to third party styles, and add-ons, template modifications, custom CSS, etc. when going from 1.5.6 to 1.5.24.

One more Q if i may ... can you recommend a resource to help determine where these issues may exist in the upgrade path?

It’s been a while since I have made any meaningful changes to my installation and I want to be very careful not to break things too much.

Thank you.
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