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Can Admins no longer see members who choose not to show their online status with Beta 6 because i could see who was online before i upgraded from beta 5.

Those are outgoing feeds which are different than the incoming feeds.

What happens when you import the feed?

View attachment 9436

Hi Jake,

Iv just bought a new license and started another forum form scratch and for some reason the feeds still do not work and i have tried a few that are known to work for other users.
I still also get the error message "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." when i press the orange internal rss feed buttons.
I have no add-ons or template edits for this forum yet so i cant understand it. I was just wondering if you have any ideas?
Without detailed errors in the logs I am not sure what the problem is.

Have you tried enabling debug mode? Add this line to your library/config.php file:

$config['debug'] = 1;

That may reveal a more detailed error on the outgoing feeds.
Thanks Jake.

This post by Mike might be of relevance then:
What are your open_basedir and include_path values set to? If you're include_path sets a value that isn't inside the open_basedir, that's really a misconfiguration. You can change your include_path via the .htaccess.

The reason it changed between beta 5 and 6 is that we actually maintain your server's configured include_path now; previous versions overwrote it entirely. So really, we were working around a misconfig.
You can try speaking to your host and asking them to configure the server correctly.

Hi Brogan,

I sent a email asking if open_basedir was a restriction in my php configuration and this was the reply

"I'm afraid open_basedir is restricted on our shared environment for security reasons, but rss feeds should work fine. I would recommend contacting the makers of the plugin you need to implement, as they may be aware of a workaround to bypass the open_basedir settings."

My internal feeds were working before i installed beta 6
You can try adding a line to your .htaccess file.
It will be something like this:
php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/path/to/zf"

You may need to speak to your host again to ascertain the exact path.
You can try adding a line to your .htaccess file.
It will be something like this:
php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/path/to/zf"

You may need to speak to your host again to ascertain the exact path.

Hi Brogan,

What do you mean by adding a line to your .htaccess file
Sorry if its a silly question im still learning :)
In your webroot there should be a hidden file which has no name and an extension .htaccess
It controls certain behaviour such as rewrite rules involved with removing index.php from the URL, etc.

You can add a line to it which may solve the problem you are having.

Speak to your host and they should be able to do that for you.
In your webroot there should be a hidden file which has no name and an extension .htaccess
It controls certain behaviour such as rewrite rules involved with removing index.php from the URL, etc.

You can add a line to it which may solve the problem you are having.

Speak to your host and they should be able to do that for you.

Hi Brogan,

My host have emailed back and this is what they said

"Some FTP clients such as FileZilla will allow you to view hidden files like .htaccess, so you can view and amend them as necessary."

I asked them to do it for me but this was their reply. I have found the .htaccess file im my webroot. What do i do with it now?
What line did they add exactly?
The code I posted above was just an example, it will have to be edited for your particular server.

If the entry is correct and after running Jake's file there is no change, then it's likely your host doesn't allow it to be changed from your side.

Your only option then would probably be to find a new host...
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