OMG I'm soooo hot.......

If you guys saw the movie Twister much of that was filmed in this area. You can have heavy rain, a tornado, the ground soaking wet and when the rain stops and the clouds move away it can go back to the 100's pretty fast at times. It makes it steamy.
I know some will not agree but it is rather mild right now 93F and the weather says feels like 97F. Later in the week is forcast to be quite cool. 82F for Friday.

I think to a degree hot and cold is what you are used to.
And so many people say Global Warming is a made up "scare tactic" ;).

It's not any single weather event... It's the continual upward trend that's troubling/scary.

Was about 101 on the drive south from DC to Fredericksburg VA yesterday, I'm sorry, but that's just plain HOT and it's been like this for months now... :(
It was 92f here today.... and it's 96f in my house. :(
My dog chewed the cord to my only fan while I was gone this afternoon.

Tell me, what next?!?!?!?

Thank GOD we have a cool front coming through early tomorrow and it's supposed to get up to only 80f.

My son goes to his dad's tonight so I can work. He'll be nice and cool there.
And I have AC where I work. But don't know how I'll sleep tomorrow. :rolleyes:
It was 92f here today.... and it's 96f in my house. :(
My dog chewed the cord to my only fan while I was gone this afternoon.

Tell me, what next?!?!?!?

Thank GOD we have a cool front coming through early tomorrow and it's supposed to get up to only 80f.
Then 74, then 66.... :D

Weather Channel Desktop says 93 right now, though it's not as bad since I turned the fan in my room to blow air OUT of the window, essentially creating a [minimal] airflow of cold air from the A/C up front. I really need to make one of those DIY air conditioners that I keep reading about.
It was 92f here today.... and it's 96f in my house. :(
My dog chewed the cord to my only fan while I was gone this afternoon.

Tell me, what next?!?!?!?

Thank GOD we have a cool front coming through early tomorrow and it's supposed to get up to only 80f.

My son goes to his dad's tonight so I can work. He'll be nice and cool there.
And I have AC where I work. But don't know how I'll sleep tomorrow. :rolleyes:
I totally have the AC on at a glorious 85°F. :D
Hey Peggy, suppose to get to 55 tonight and not even hit 80 tomorrow here. What about where you are? Have you cooled off yet? I'm in the Knoxville Metro area and it is beautiful here today. Liz
Hey Peggy, suppose to get to 55 tonight and not even hit 80 tomorrow here. What about where you are? Have you cooled off yet? I'm in the Knoxville Metro area and it is beautiful here today. Liz
Hey Liz. I was pretty warm when I got off work at 7am this morning. By the time I got to bed around 10am, it had cooled off just a bit. When I got up at 6:30 pm, it was NICE! :D

Supposed to be in the 50's tonight, and low 70's tomorrow.

And guess what? Now that I don't need it, my landlord had the A/C repaired today. Go figure.......
Pretty cold here today with current overcast conditions and storms expected to blow in later. It could be worse, a 7.1 earthquake has devastated Christchurch New Zealand overnight :eek:
Pretty cold here today with current overcast conditions and storms expected to blow in later. It could be worse, a 7.1 earthquake has devastated Christchurch New Zealand overnight :eek:
Yeah it sure could be. Now I feel bad for griping about the heat.

Those people are in my prayers.
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