Now that Xenforo 1.1 is out, let's talk about version 1.2

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I can't give you that information.

Other than what has been posted in the announcements forum, it's not for me to reveal upcoming features or release dates.

or any xenhumor perhaps? peeking out what will be the next thing?
No announcements or roadmap-type updates in almost two months makes me wonder what's going on, and less inclined to use the product or recommend it to others.

Kier has not posted since January 17th, Mike since March 20th.

What's going on?
Yes an update would be nice but I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe they don't want to say anything more about upcoming features until all the legal issues are sorted out. Even a hello would be good.
Yes an update would be nice but I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe they don't want to say anything more about upcoming features until all the legal issues are sorted out. Even a hello would be good.

Yes, any kind of update at this point would be very helpful. Most of us are all believing for the best, but an update of any kind would be very beneficial before rumors or speculation gets out-of-hand.
Yes, any kind of update at this point would be very helpful. Most of us are all believing for the best, but an update of any kind would be very beneficial before rumors or speculation gets out-of-hand.

Even their Twitter hasn't had an update since February 7th:!/xenforo

I'm not an alarmist and absolutely not intent on propagating rumors, but the absence of a voice worries me a bit.
You're not alone, Brent. I'm having serious second thoughts about moving forwards with plans to convert my community over to XenForo. :(

I wonder what the IGN guys think about this?
User albums seem a great feature to add! Let people really create their own space on the site and it helps foster community.
It has been here for a long time already as an excellent add-on. I absolutely disagree on using important core developer resources for making yet another one.
I agree.
XF scene have many great add-on developers and add-ons.
It would be IMO better, to implement things like TMS (instead of the hooks, where the requests have been ignored for a while:P ) and continue implementing of "helper methods" like XenForo_ControllerPublic_Forum::_getThreadFetchElements, XenForo_ControllerPublic_Forum::_getDefaultThreadSort etc.. in other controllers and to include something similar for the save actions.
I wonder what the IGN guys think about this?

I personally don't really care what other communities have to say about this .. lol .. the only question you need to ask for yourself is are you getting enough information and stable interaction for you to feel secure in your continued use of xF? If not than feel free to say your opinions .. but no need to kick the team while they're down and obviously going through difficult times .. obviously all competitors are happy when their competitors seem to be less stable .. but it really isn't relevant here .. what matters is what we think .. not what the competition thinks! ;)

It's been mentioned rather elusively that Kier is away indefinitely for personal reasons. Maybe Mike is just hard at work getting 1.2 all shinned up? Or maybe Kier's personal issue is that someone close is ill and Mike is spending a bit of time with him (I'm assuming them to be friends as well as co-workers). Granted something could (/should) have been mentioned (not the personal details obviously .. but more a little warning about limited forum interaction) .. but at this point it's still not long enough to really be considered the end of the world .. although I'll admit a clear notice and information update is due soon if the relative inactivity is to continue as not saying anything will just lead to more and more speculation and discussions like this one!

I'd love to see a bit more communication about roadmaps and directions and timings etc as well .. but I understand why they might be a little reluctant to post too many forward looking details while the lawsuit is still ongoing. As well as if only half the team is around at the moment, then obviously they have less man-hours to devote to development and so might obviously be a little reluctant to make too many promises about what to expect while shorthanded. Besides .. in theory we do have a short term roadmap at least .. in that 1.2 is to be delivered in Beta before the end of June at the latest .. and that it will include a (very overdue and much needed) mobile skin as well as at least a couple of nice surprises I can only guess! :)

Anyhow .. I posted this above .. but I'll post it again .. as this is my take on the unofficial, unconfirmed and unspoken official statement:
(I'll agree it would be nice if somebody officially confirmed this to be true though)

- Kier temporarily isn't around at the moment for non-xF related reasons .. but everything is still going according to plan on schedule and you can expect the first Beta of xF 1.2 on time with all the features (and likely more .. lol) that were told would be with it before the end of June 2012! *IF* the medium/long term status of the development team changes (to me Mike and Kier are BOTH very important as a team), then an announcement with more details will be made on if/how it will affect the medium/longer term development of xF!

And that being said .. again .. I really hope that all is well with everyone involved .. and let's not get too restless until we get closer to the end of Q2 and/or if there are any major bugs left unresolved for too long and/or we see a serious drop in the level of urgent technical support!
I would also prefer more communication from the devs, it does make me wander what they are up to...originally they used to show stuff off they are never usually this silent.
Let's give these guys some time, it's hard enough with the lawsuit they have to deal with, on top of running a business and having a family to take care of. Not knowing what to expect can be fun too, when it is finally revealed.
Not knowing what to expect can be fun too, when it is finally revealed.
of course, but not if you're running a business:(

e.g. => invest time in or wait for the xf mobile style...
after the announcement i waited for more infos and didn't spend time with the xfs mobile style..
now my client got angry why there was no progress....

if there would be at least some infos and mockups we could compare the pros & cons and know what to do in the next months...
NOW it's a "stand by, wait for more infos, spend some time with the xfs mobile style, try to customize it and hope that it was not for nothing " (and i don't even want to start complaining about the add-on situation...had to accept it....:D)

we also even don't know if
we are aiming to release a beta of XenForo 1.2 sometime in the second quarter of this year.
is still true...)
I don't want to complain because i know exactly how bad the situation for everybody (team & customers) is, but i also have to think about my own future...

so were back at kiers post with "xenforo isn't something for you(ragtek)" and yea, i agree.
With the 0 info policy, it's probably something for my hobby forum, but it isn't something for me as freelancer even i enjoy the work with the great xf framework:(
Yep agreed ^. You won't see any new add-ons from me until I know what is coming because it is too risky.
I wouldn't say it's a shame but more of "Never lay all your eggs in one basket". Coders come and go, designers come and go, stylers come and go. Life goes on.

Totally agree. I think it's just the uncertainty of whether things are coming or going for xF that has most people riled up.
Don't let Internet Brands' morally bankrupt behaviour triumph before the case is even heard!
It's not because of IB...
(for me) It's because of Kiers away time(and whatever the reason was, i have & do accept and understand it)
BUT where is XF now? Will the away time affect the planed q2 beta release date? was any progress made with xf or did mike work "primary only" on the ressource manager and ticket support??

IMO a official xenforo company reply including some answers and a official statement like requested here
- Kier temporarily isn't around at the moment for non-xF related reasons .. but everything is still going according to plan on schedule and you can expect the first Beta of xF 1.2 on time with all the features (and likely more .. lol) that were told would be with it before the end of June 2012! *IF* the medium/long term status of the development team changes (to me Mike and Kier are BOTH very important as a team), then an announcement with more details will be made on if/how it will affect the medium/longer term development of xF!
is is missing and not any personal infos about the life of mike & kier.......

There are still many users, which are here & supporting xf from the day started and love the product but they're also still waiting for several "important" features, before they can move...
Do they need to wait another year for there move? It's all because of the missing public roadmap:p

Everything we know about 1.2 is from the announcement made 3 months ago and that's only that it will include a mobile style and a "better" spam managment system including a 3rd party service instead of fixing a major problem =>
i never started work on an add-on to fix this, because i hoped that "at a later date" wouldn't be > 1 year...
I'm sorry it doesn't support internationalization at present, but doing so at this point would have required a more lengthy development process, and I thought people would prefer to have some kind of Q&A system in XenForo rather than none at all. We will go back and revisit the issue of placing the questions and answers into phrases at a later date.

(no, i don't want to start the "you bought xf as it is, with the included features it have now... we're sorry that you had too big expectations into the product..." discussion)
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