Not my site, but very impressed

Yeah, it's out launch day and it ended up being a bit bigger than expected. We had to scramble to get more bandwidth and caching done, it should be a little faster now.

It's a bummer that you guys are using the discourage user feature like crazy to kill any criticism, concerns or skepticism.
I signed up there...

I still don't know why you have Gravatar disabled.

IMHO, you've completely made it not Xenforo :)

(I put that in my signature)

Also, they're running on 1.2 (the editor gives it away).
I still don't know why you have Gravatar disabled. IMHO, you've completely made it not Xenforo :)

Because we're moving most of user interaction and information to a separate system. We've already got the OpenID log in instead of standard log in, soon avatars and general information like that will also be controlled and sync outside the XenForo system. We are probably making it not XenForo, but then our goal is to have a community, not a XenForo forum. XenForo is our choice exactly because it's so easy to customize and code for.

Also, they're running on 1.2 (the editor gives it away).

Yes, right now we're focusing resources on our Magento store so we can do the core of our business - sell. We're trying to hire more people so that soon we can start giving some more love to our XenForo install, we have a lot of exciting ideas! Once things are stable on our site we will probably look to open source some of the modules.

I like how the view/replies on the thread list are done. Would you care sharing how thats done @mfjordvald ?

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to? Could you be a bit more specific and I will be happy to give details.
Hi @mfjordvald , sorry I missed your reply. Thanks for offering to help!

I am really impressed how you organized the last message, view and replies part on your forum. As i am running a more narrow width forum with a sidebar as well I am always looking for a way to optimize the space.

Added a screenshot of what I would like to achieve as well. (looks so good and fresh it should be a default design for XF imo :D)

Thanks very much
Hi @mfjordvald , sorry I missed your reply. Thanks for offering to help!

I am really impressed how you organized the last message, view and replies part on your forum. As i am running a more narrow width forum with a sidebar as well I am always looking for a way to optimize the space.

Added a screenshot of what I would like to achieve as well. (looks so good and fresh it should be a default design for XF imo :D)

Thanks very muchView attachment 75482

Apologies for the late reply. Honestly I think this is basically just our designer moving the information in the template. Looking at the template it seems to just use standard XenForo code like.

<xen:username user="$thread.lastPostInfo" />
<a{xen:if '{$visitor.user_id}', ' href="{xen:link posts, $thread.lastPostInfo}" title="{xen:phrase go_to_last_message}"'} class="dateTime"><xen:datetime time="$thread.lastPostInfo.post_date" /></a>
@mfjordvald Its standard code indeed, but where to put it :)?

Would you mind sharing the content of the thread_list_item template?

<xen:require css="discussion_list.css" />

<xen:if is="{$thread.isDeleted}"><xen:include template="thread_list_item_deleted" /><xen:else />

<li id="thread-{$thread.thread_id}" class="discussionListItem {$thread.discussion_state}{xen:if '!{$thread.discussion_open}', ' locked'}{xen:if {$thread.sticky}, ' sticky'}{xen:if {$thread.isNew}, ' unread'}{xen:if {$thread.prefix_id}, ' prefix{$thread.prefix_id}'}{xen:if {$thread.isIgnored}, ' ignored'} {xen:if $thread.thread_is_watched, threadWatched} {xen:if $thread.forum_is_watched, forumWatched}" data-author="{$thread.username}">

   <div class="listBlock posterAvatar">
     <span class="avatarContainer">
       <xen:avatar user="$thread" size="s" img="true" />
       <xen:if is="{$thread.user_post_count}"><xen:avatar user="$visitor" size="s" img="true" class="miniMe" title="{xen:phrase you_have_posted_x_messages_in_this_thread, 'count={xen:number $thread.user_post_count}'}" /></xen:if>

   <div class="listBlock main">

     <div class="titleText">
       <xen:if hascontent="true">
         <div class="iconKey">
           <xen:hook name="thread_list_item_icon_key" params="{xen:array 'thread={$thread}'}">
           <xen:if is="{$thread.isModerated}"><span class="moderated" title="{xen:phrase moderated}">{xen:phrase moderated}</span></xen:if>
           <xen:if is="!{$thread.discussion_open}"><span class="locked" title="{xen:phrase locked}">{xen:phrase locked}</span></xen:if>
           <xen:if is="{$thread.sticky}"><span class="sticky" title="{xen:phrase sticky}">{xen:phrase sticky}</span></xen:if>
           <xen:if is="{$thread.isRedirect}"><span class="redirect" title="{xen:phrase redirect}">{xen:phrase redirect}</span></xen:if>
           <xen:if is="{$thread.thread_is_watched} OR {$thread.forum_is_watched}"><span class="watched" title="{xen:phrase watched}">{xen:phrase watched}</span></xen:if>

       <h3 class="title">
         <xen:if is="{$thread.canInlineMod}"><input type="checkbox" name="threads[]" value="{$thread.thread_id}" class="InlineModCheck" id="inlineModCheck-thread-{$thread.thread_id}" data-target="#thread-{$thread.thread_id}" title="{xen:phrase select_thread}: {$thread.title}" /></xen:if>
         <xen:if is="{$showSubscribeOptions}"><input type="checkbox" name="thread_ids[]" value="{$thread.thread_id}" /></xen:if>
         <xen:if is="{$thread.prefix_id}">
           <xen:if is="{$linkPrefix}">
             <a href="{xen:link forums, $forum, 'prefix_id={$thread.prefix_id}'}" class="prefixLink"
               title="{xen:phrase show_only_threads_prefixed_by_x, 'prefix={xen:helper threadPrefix, $thread, plain, ""}'}">{xen:helper threadPrefix, $thread, html, ''}</a>
           <xen:else />
             {xen:helper threadPrefix, $thread}
         <a href="{xen:link "threads{xen:if '{$thread.isNew} AND {$thread.haveReadData}', '/unread'}", $thread}"
           title="{xen:if '{$thread.isNew} AND {$thread.haveReadData}', {xen:phrase go_to_first_unread_message}}"
           class="{xen:if $thread.hasPreview, PreviewTooltip}"
           data-previewUrl="{xen:if $thread.hasPreview, {xen:link threads/preview, $thread}}">{xen:helper wrap, $thread.title, 50}</a>
         <xen:if is="{$thread.isNew}"><a href="{xen:link threads/unread, $thread}" class="unreadLink" title="{xen:phrase go_to_first_unread_message}"></a></xen:if>
       <xen:if is="{$showLastPageNumbers} AND {$thread.lastPageNumbers}">
         <span class="itemPageNav">
           <xen:foreach loop="$thread.lastPageNumbers" value="$pageNumber">
             <a href="{xen:link threads, $thread, 'page={$pageNumber}'}">{$pageNumber}</a>
       <div class="secondRow">
         <div class="posterDate muted">
           <xen:username user="$thread" title="{xen:phrase thread_starter}" /><span class="startDate">,
           <a{xen:if {$visitor.user_id}, ' href="{xen:link threads, $thread}"'} class="faint"><xen:datetime time="$thread.post_date" title="{xen:if {$visitor.user_id}, '{xen:phrase go_to_first_message_in_thread}'}" /></a></span><xen:if is="{$showForumLink}"><span class="containerName">,
           <a href="{xen:link forums, $}" class="forumLink">{$}</a></span></xen:if>

           <span class="threadList-reply">
           Latest reply:
           <xen:if is="{$thread.isRedirect}">
             {xen:phrase n_a}
             <xen:else />
             <xen:if is="{xen:helper isIgnored, $thread.last_post_user_id}">
               {xen:phrase ignored_member}
             <xen:else />
             <xen:username user="$thread.lastPostInfo" />,
             <a{xen:if '{$visitor.user_id}', ' href="{xen:link posts, $thread.lastPostInfo}" title="{xen:phrase go_to_last_message}"'} class="dateTime"><xen:datetime time="$thread.lastPostInfo.post_date" /></a>

         <div class="controls faint">
           <xen:if is="{$thread.canEditThread}"><a href="javascript:" data-href="{xen:link 'threads/list-item-edit', $thread, 'showForumLink={$showForumLink}'}" class="EditControl JsOnly">{xen:phrase edit}</a></xen:if>
           <xen:if is="{$showSubscribeOptions} AND {$thread.email_subscribe}">{xen:phrase email}</xen:if>

   <div class="listBlock stats pairsJustified" title="{xen:phrase members_who_liked_first_message}: {xen:if $thread.isRedirect, '&ndash;', {xen:number $thread.first_post_likes}}">
     <dl class="major"><dd title="{xen:phrase views}">{xen:if $thread.isRedirect, '&ndash;', {xen:number $thread.view_count}}</dd></dl>
     <dl class="minor"><dd title="{xen:phrase replies}">{xen:if $thread.isRedirect, '&ndash;', {xen:number $thread.reply_count}} <span class="i-reply"></span></dd></dl>


Simple and clean. Entertainment/comedy site?

We sell smartphones.
That seems like great forum design for doing a lot of reading. Dark themes, white text and visual clutter are just a distraction or eyesore 9/10 times. Well done.
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