Fixed Not Latin Characters to Seo

Google still knows to read them. However, URLs, these days, have very minimal to non-existent impact on your SEO. It's all about content these days. I also had non-latin characters in my URLs and it gave me the same structure URLs (I guess the browser converts it to these ugly ones). Anyway, I've disabled it completely and my SEO improved regardless.
You may wish to enable this to avoid those encoded characters in URLs:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Romanize Titles in URLs

Or disable this to rid yourself of titles in URLs thereby avoiding the issue:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) -> Include Content Title in URLs
You may wish to enable this to avoid those encoded characters in URLs:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Basic Board Information -> Romanize Titles in URLs

Or disable this to rid yourself of titles in URLs thereby avoiding the issue:

Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) -> Include Content Title in URLs

Romanize titles doesn't work.It misses one or two letter.Such as :éxamplé-forum if I romanize title and if it is contains non latin characters , it will be . I don't know it is a bug.But in my Turkish forum , this is like that.
Romanize titles doesn't work.It misses one or two letter.Such as :éxamplé-forum if I romanize title and if it is contains non latin characters , it will be . I don't know it is a bug.But in my Turkish forum , this is like that.

I tested that title (éxamplé-forum) in thread and forum titles with the romanize option enabled. The "é" was correctly replaced with "e". I can't reproduce your problem on my forum.

Assuming no addons or route filters are involved here, you can submit a ticket with your forum information:

We will take a look.
I tested that title (éxamplé-forum) in thread and forum titles with the romanize option enabled. The "é" was correctly replaced with "e". I can't reproduce your problem on my forum.

Assuming no addons or route filters are involved here, you can submit a ticket with your forum information:

We will take a look.

Are on a Windows Server with IIS by chance?

I just gave example.My actual problem doesn't with é . I have linux litespeed server using cloudflare.

I enabled romanize titles again.There is the result ;

My thread title : İnternet Girişimcisi Rehberi

My link :
it should be :

My thread title : Kültür-Sanat ve Hobi

My link :
it should be :

These are what I detect soon.
I just gave example.My actual problem doesn't with é . I have linux litespeed server using cloudflare.

I enabled romanize titles again.There is the result ;

My thread title : İnternet Girişimcisi Rehberi

My link :
it should be :

My thread title : Kültür-Sanat ve Hobi

My link :
it should be :

These are what I detect soon.

That one I can confirm on my forum. The "İ" is stripped when the title is romanized.

I will move this to bugs so the devs are aware. The romanize function is not 100% though.
Romanization is language agnostic -- what is correct in your language is incorrect in another language. (Ü to "ue" would be correct in German, IIRC.) As such, this is expected. You would need to modify the romanization code to be specific to your language if you wanted to override the behavior.

The İ being stripped is not expected though.
Ü letters corrent value is u , Ö's is o , Ç'is c . How can I modifiy romanization ? If non romanization letters have no handicap for seo , I can use with like that.But my link look likes , if I copy link from adress bar to elsewhere.

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