XF 1.1 Nodes with root node as parent, adds spurious box on page


Well-known member
We have a few forums that have no parent node, i.e. the parent is the root node. However, this causes XF to display an empty node box (I presume its a node box) above them.

Any way to remove it?

i.e. the box below '.org Forums'.
This is done intentionally to show the grouping a little more clearly.

It should just be an empty category strip div in a level 1 forum.
I appreciate why its there Mike, but is there anyway it could be removed optionally if there is no node there - i.e. the root node. It just doesn't look right!

Or even if it was simply a seperator line as between the first two forums - I guess it needs something there, but the box as it is just looks as if something's supposed to be there.

I know I could add another node and put the two forums in it, but it would be better for us for them to be outside of a category / node.
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