Awaiting feedback No ability to ask for shipping address for Stripe


Well-known member
Affected version
2.2.0 Beta 2
This means when the API key for an account which was created in India will not be able to accept payments from outside India as we are required to have shipping address.

Currently when attempting to make payment via Stripe users will be greeted with:
Bumping this as a site I am helping out has run into this exact issue and has to either rethink using XenForo, or find a different option for payments.
Running into a similar issue here, albeit for different reasons. Some banks seem to get cranky when we don't give them the ability to verify that the address matches what's on the bank account.
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We’re actively looking into this though the end result may end up being a significant change in approach to how we handle Stripe.

This won’t be in 2.2.8 but it should be doable in 2.2.9. We’ll post more details closer to the time.
Please also consider Stripe Checkout, as that opens up payments to people who just do not use Paypal or Credit/Debit cards.

While this is specific to my community (and I am selling digital products for profit) I bring in about an additional $3k a month because of the expanded payment options.
We’re actively looking into this though the end result may end up being a significant change in approach to how we handle Stripe.

This won’t be in 2.2.8 but it should be doable in 2.2.9. We’ll post more details closer to the time.

Capturing an address from Stripe. Did I miss this Chris, or did it never happen?
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We’re actively looking into this though the end result may end up being a significant change in approach to how we handle Stripe.

This won’t be in 2.2.8 but it should be doable in 2.2.9. We’ll post more details closer to the time.

Capturing an address from Stripe. Did I miss this Chris, or did it never happen?
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