nginx pagespeed or nginx concat module ?

In my case using pagespeed increase page load with +1second and with some high CPU Memory resource costs and disabled it forever. So i think much better is to use xcache for opcode and memcache for variable, sessions and other things. Pagespeed is ok for blogs, websites, but not for forums. I Have over 3000 visits per day with 19.000-20.000 pages views and Pagespeed is not an solution for me, now i'm using xcache+memcache, and i think i will make some proxy cache for index, /forums/ , /categories/ paths to save as static.
we run ngx_pagespeed (config'd for the forum) with little if any noticeable affect on server load, maybe we just have a nice server. We have anywhere from 3000 -4500 users daily, from 82,000 members checking out 150,000+ attachments. I don't check these score tools and I doubt my users care, no one complained yet including server logs so I consider it smooth sailing.
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