News Feed / Home page.



So I own a forums for my server So I want to get my home page to have News feed Right now If you click home you go to forums. I want it to be news feeds. My idea is like this: If you want to add me on Skype, Just ask me If you can help me out that will be AMAZING!

[EarthLordPvP Server Owner]
beanblocks and hypixel use xenporta. The same can be done with Article Management System combined with bd widgets or Featured Threads.
Take a look at CTA Featured Threads (by Brogan) or XenPorta (by Jaxel).

I have used CTA in the past and loved it. The support is also super.
Can't say much about XenPorta since I've never used it.
Alright, Do you mind linking me?
Would love to but not at a PC at the moment. Just use the search function and search CTA Featured Or XenPorta.

To answer your second question yes alfa mentioned three adding. Article Management System (AMS) its written by @Bob.
Then widget framework (a must have).
And Featured threads which is CTA Featured Threads.
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