New website questions


New member
I´m planning to create a new website. It´s going to be a news website with a forum.

I´m thinking about using wordpress and xenforo for it, and have some questions:

I would like that users can login with their gmail or facebook accounts to both, the wordpress part and the xenforo forum. What do I need to do that properly?

Is it easy to use SSL certificates for the domain using both cms in the same domain? (I don´t know if that´s a very stupid question, if that´s the case sorry :-) )

What do you think about using Cloudfare for the community?

What plugins or functionalities do you suggest me for the forum to make it atractive for the users?

Any other suggestions for creating a cool community?

Thank you all
I would like that users can login with their gmail or facebook accounts to both, the wordpress part and the xenforo forum. What do I need to do that properly?
It would require an add-on - I believe there may be a few WP-XF bridges here:

Is it easy to use SSL certificates for the domain using both cms in the same domain?
XF works fine with SSL - you can see it in use on this site.

What do you think about using Cloudfare for the community?

What plugins or functionalities do you suggest me for the forum to make it atractive for the users?

Any other suggestions for creating a cool community?
These are all personal/subjective so I'll leave it up to others to comment.
What do you think about using Cloudfare for the community?

Most website owners use Cloudflare. If you need advanced protection I recommend looking into Sucurri but the free Cloudflare option should do just fine. Another tip I suggest is if your going the free protection route have your host install what's called "Mod_Evasive" which does well against DDoS protection in ways the free cloudflare plan won't.

Just some helpful tips for you. One last tip I'll mention is cloudflare caching can sometimes be a pain. I would use page rules to set the cache on a low level and also keep the rocket loader off. It does great for website performance when you have high caching and the rocket loader on, however it's a pain sometimes.
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