New site for Lonely People


Well-known member
I've been working on this in the background for a long time and wasn't sure whether to go ahead or not. The recent news about the Government stepping in to try and combat loneliness has given me the impetus to get things rolling.

I decided to use XF2 for this site along with @ThemeHouse UI.X2 and @Jaxel Xenporta 2. Only a few minor changes needed to get the look I wanted using the extra.less template, plus some major changes to the phrases, otherwise everything else is out of the box.

Comments, Suggestions and Observations are welcomed as always - there's always something that has been missed lol.

The site is open for a few days and then I'll close it again to make some final adjustments and a few addons I want to install plus check over some of the test posts I've made to decide whether to keep them or change them. I was really lucky to bag the domain name so that was a plus.

If you know people who are suffering from loneliness, including yourself, feel free to pass on the info or register and take part.

With thanks

@Lee It's been a case of moving servers, then back again when things didn't quite work out as expected lol. I've also been doing a lot of behind the scenes work, but it's almost ready for a relaunch which should be around the 10th May.

OK site is open again after faffing about with changing servers etc. It's one of those sites that needs members to generate content, I've started the ball rolling, but apart from some additional articles coming soon there is not a lot more that can be added.

Time to get out there and start canvassing for members lol.

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