XF 2.1 New option for a new widget


Well-known member
OK, I created a new widget based on the online users widget, and it works pretty well. I want to add an option to it to make the widget more useful, so I created/updated the admin template for the widget to include a new textarea that I want to make an option.

I now have the textarea for the widget displaying on the widget definition page, but nothing is being saved to it. I have the new option added to my widget class that extends AbstractWidget and a verifyOptions method.

Do I need a code event listener to save this option value, or what am I missing here? I could create an option group for the addon, but that seems a little clunky to have some options in the widget definition, and some in the site options.
Have you extended verifyOptions()? If not then you'll have to extend it to make the options actually save.
Yeah, I extended the AbstractWidget Class, I know the widget is working the way I want it to.

I have a render method that works, and a verifyOptions method. It uses the same values as the online users widget, plus my new userArray textarea option. I've verified that this method is getting called...
public function verifyOptions(\XF\Http\Request $request, array &$options, &$error = null)
    $options = $request->filter([
        'limit' => 'uint',
        'staffOnline' => 'bool',
        'staffQuery' => 'bool',
        'userArray' => 'str'
    return true;

Is that all I need? Maybe str isn't valid for a textarea?
Oh, that's where the problem is, lol. I don't include the value of the textarea!

I have this:
<xf:textarearow name="options[userArray]" rows="7" autosize="true"
label="{{ phrase('user_array_list') }}" required="required" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" />

But it should be something like this, adding the value....
<xf:textarearow name="options[userArray]" value="{$options.userArray}" rows="7" autosize="true"
label="{{ phrase('user_array_list') }}" required="required" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" />

Thanks for leading me to the right place Batpool52
Any particular reason behind using
<xf:textarearow name="options[userArray]" rows="7" autosize="true"
label="{{ phrase('user_array_list') }}" required="required" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}">
instead of
<xf:textarearow name="options[userArray]" rows="7" autosize="true" label="{{ phrase('user_array_list') }}" required="required" hint="{{ phrase('required') }}" value="{$options.userArray}" />
yeah, I couldn't remember how to apply the value, my original way wouldn't work. Edited my post to include the value tag in the element. Thanks.

Problem arose when I copied the textarea from the contact form template, which would never have a value assigned to it.
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