addon development

  1. ammyyfreshco

    Custom Addon Development

    Hello all, I have more than 7 years of experience in XenForo, I am working full time as a software developer no holiday on weekend if urgent work needed, 1) Development Services Addon Development (hourly or per-project) Forum maintenance / Consulting (monthly base) 2) Migration Services...
  2. XenCircle

    XenCircle : Addon Development, Migration and Maintenance Services

    I will provide all the service in very reasonable prices. My services features are: Installation and configuration. Addon Development For xf1, xf2 Solve addon Issues and Bugs. Forum Migration. Convert addon From xf1 to xf2. Integration Payment Method. Convert challenging Ideas into Addon...
  3. F

    Addon and Style Developer

    Hi everyone, I have over 10 years of experience working with clients on a variety of PHP projects, from last one year I am associate with a xenforo's client and doing work for him on different xenforo projects, i think now i have enough knowledge of xenforo so now my services will be available...
  4. lobanz

    XF 2.2 How to use CAPTCHA in an addon's template?

    Hi! Having a grand time developing my first addon for XF 2. Can't find anything on these in the Community forums or the docs. If they ARE there, I'd appreciate a reference. Need to use a captcha in a template. Didn't see any <xf:captcha> or macro available. Any guidance on how to best do this...
  5. mattrogowski

    Fixed Error minifying addon JS when external service down

    Might not be classed as a bug but is an issue one way or another. XF\Service\AddOn\JsMinifier makes a cURL request to, which is currently throwing a 503 error and saying Over Quota This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try...
  6. WeaponOwl

    XF 2.2 Templates for addons all time reset of previous version

    For a long time i have one very weird problem. I making addons for internal purpose. Addons have templates. Sometime change very urgent, so i edit addon template manually on production, and then update addon on production with more changes for edited template. And very ofter xenforo itself...
  7. zealnpossession

    Custom Addon - XF2

    Hi, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this but i´ll just go ahead. So, I'm thinking of building a forum that supports two languages. Not complete translation, but just the posts(if the user wishes to see it in that language). I have all the translated stuff ready with me, so I was...
  8. emiya

    XF 2.1 Get no html view on route page

    Hello, I'm learning programming and want to create an addon which have it's own page. Everything is good so far, but on the page html won't work? Well, I created a new route with following inputs: And that's the code (/src/addons/NewAddon/NewPage/Pub/Controller/NewPage.php): <?php...
  9. Jaimss

    Add-on {Need} Xenforo <-> Discord <-> Minecraft Sync

    Hi, I am looking to pay someone to write me a Xenforo Addon that will sync up the ranks of my playerbase between mainly Xenforo and Minecraft. It would also be really nice if it did it for discord as well. I am looking to pay anywhere from $10 (a price I have seen for something like this) to...
  10. R

    XF 2.0 Error overriding function in addon

    I'm trying to override function actionPreview in the Thread controller, and am getting this error: ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Declaration of SageWebDesign\ThreadPreview\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread::actionPreview() should be compatible with...
  11. S

    XF 2.1 New option for a new widget

    OK, I created a new widget based on the online users widget, and it works pretty well. I want to add an option to it to make the widget more useful, so I created/updated the admin template for the widget to include a new textarea that I want to make an option. I now have the textarea for the...
  12. R

    XF 2.0 Getting error while developing addon as suggested in dev doc

    I am getting below error while following "xf-addon:install-step" step from dev doc. An exception occurred: [TypeError] Argument 1 passed to Demo\Portal\Setup::Demo\Portal\{closure}() must be an instance of Demo\Portal\Alter, instance of XF\Db\Schema\Alter given, called in...
  13. D

    Addon Development | Xenforo Hosting | Migration Services | Monthly Maintenance

    Hello Everyone, I have more than 2 years of experience in XenForo development, And working full time as a full stack software developer. Here, I can offer you different services for your XenForo forum, to work and run smoothly. 1) Addon Development Custom add-on development. Extend existing...
  14. fahad ashraf

    Custom Addon Development | Xenforo 2.x | Xenforo 1.x | Custom Styling | Migration Services (9+ Experience)

    Hello all, I have more than 5 years of experience in bulletin boards, I am working full time as a software developer no holiday on weakend if urgent work needed, 1) Development Services Addon Development (hourly or per-project) Forum maintenance / Consulting (monthly base) 2) Migration...
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