
Good morning. My kawfee is brewing, so I'll just sit here and watch y'all make fools of yourselves til I have my first cup.
Then I'll join in. :coffee:
10 PRINT "Yawn"
20 GOTO 10

Wahey ... BASIC ... giving your age away there! Actually, that ties in quite nicely with my current avatar. Once upon a time ...

<trip down memory lane>
I remember I was around 9 years old, sitting in an empty classroom trying to work out how to load Space Invaders into the teacher's ZX81 (I was fascinated with the damn thing and had nagged persuaded the teacher to let me have a go on it after everyone had gone home, whilst he went to a staff meeting!!!).

He returned 30 mins. later and showed me how to load the programs from tape. DANG!!! ... I'd tried every bloody thing I could imagine to get it to play the game, but it never once dawned on me the game wasn't already inside the thing.

That, ladies and gentleman, was the dawning of my interest in computers.

I have been hooked ever since!!!!
</trip down memory lane>

Shaun :D
Didn't think it was up to me to put in the actual code here. If he wants to that's fine and if he wants to drive traffic there that's fine, too. I'm just letting people know it's there.
lol I wasn't being serious Ed. My reply was simply in the spirit of this thread. ;)
I downloaded it after you posted it, lol.
Damn. Here I thought...

What is this I don't even?

Okay, so back into the spirit of things.

You can really tell a lot about a person from their car. For example, this driver is a woman.


And this is a guy with a tiny unit.

I was going to read this thread but decided not to.
When I finished reading it all, I decided not to reply.
Then I saw my reply is appearing on the first page of the thread...
Decided to report it,still doing that...
Edit:Then I saw my reply is on the third page now.
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