XF 2.0 Need Help Importing Smilies from vB 4.2


Here's my setup:

Production site: forums.site.com
Test Site: testforum.site.com

The vB 4.2 importer has finished and now I need to get the smilies.

I found the Smilies import function in Admin and I located the smilies XML file that the vB importer created. Here's a sample record from the xml:

    <smilie smilie_category_id="3" title="Jameo" display_order="1" display_in_editor="1">

The question is: How do the image files get from forums.site.com to testforum.site.com?

Is the importer going to go fetch each URL and then put the file in the local smilies folder? Or do I need to copy the files some where on the test domain and then change <image_url> to the local path.

I am hesitant to run the importer w/o knowing and end up with a mess.

Also, will the importer abort if it encounters a duplicate <smilie_text> from what already exists in the system?
If you're importing smilies from another server or different domain:

1) make a copy of internal_data/imported_xml/smilies.xenforo_vb.xml and give it a name unique to you ( smilies.vicos.xml )

2) Upload your remote smilies to your server. The system smilies are at styles/default/xenforo/smilies

I don't recommend mixing your files in with the system files. Create a new folder somewhere.

3) Edit your copy of the xml file mentioned above:

3a) change <smilie_category id="3" title="Standard Smilies" display_order="1"/>

to reflect whatever category you want your imported smilies to reside. The category will be created if !exist

3b) change each smilie line to reflect the absolute web path to your smilies. If you put them in 'styles/mystyle/smilies' --> this is the path you need (no leading slash)


CHANGE: <image_url>http://forums.mysite.com/images/smilies/bigwhoop.gif</image_url>



Run the importer. It will note any conflicting smilies (based upon the 'text to replace'). You can then uncheck the duplicates and execute the importer.

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