Need developer to add xenforo to my site. (will pay$)


New member
Hey guys I doubt this is the right section for this but I will post anyways! I need to add a forum to my website and love the features xenforo has. My problem is that I have no clue how to create the forum or how it could be added to my website. I am willing to pay someone that can do this work for me and create the forums how i like.

let me know if anyone can do this.

Are you looking to have some type of integration with the wordpress platform. If so how much integration are you looking into, there is a free and paid add-on for that.

As for just creating the forums, that should be quite simple. I am sure you'll be able to do that, but if you really need someone I could help you with it.
I am willing to pay someone that can do this work for me and create the forums how i like.

The work to put the forum up and running is really easy. Now that part of "how I like" is what makes me wonder how much more work that would mean. Specify exactly what you want, so we can have a base to charge properly for the job. provides WP XF integration for $39. Check there.
bambua (member here) makes an addon for styling your wordpress to look like your xenforo.

All integration to date uses Xenforo as the main User Database.
Most wordpress users want WP as the main database.
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