XF 2.1 Navigation shows Standard Links


Well-known member
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <navigation_entry navigation_id="example" display_order="300" navigation_type_id="basic" enabled="1"><![CDATA[{"link":"{{ link('example') }}","display_condition":"$xf.visitor->hasPermission('example','view')","extra_attributes":[]}]]></navigation_entry>
  <navigation_entry navigation_id="example_1" parent_navigation_id="example" display_order="1" navigation_type_id="basic" enabled="1"><![CDATA[{"link":"{{ link('example\/1') }}","display_condition":"$xf.visitor->hasPermission('example','view')","extra_attributes":[]}]]></navigation_entry>


I have setup a navigation with example in the main navi and example1,2,3,4 in the menu under it.
When i cklick on example i get the standard links "News-feed. Lats-activity ..."

I have compared this to other add-ons, and everything looks the same. But somewhere i miss to tell XF to use that second level "example1,2,3,4" also in the second line.
May someone tell me, where i do this, please?
Last edited:
Answer for someone else searching:

route.xml => route_prefix="name" ... context="name"
navigation.xml = navigation_id="name"
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