Navbar media to link to a certain profile


Well-known member
How can I link the 'Media' navbar tab to be a url to an admins profile so everyone can see our main videos first instead of everyone elses?
It would require editing the code.

Open file: library/XenGallery/Listener.php
Line 118 is:
 'href' => $tabActionLink,

This isn't particularly straight forward... but the objective is to change $tabActionLink to a link to your admin's profile, that would look something like:

 'href' => XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('full:xengallery/users', array('user_id' => 1, 'username' => 'Admin')),

That would create a link like:

If you copy and pasted that, you would need to edit the user_id to the user_id of your admin user and the username to the username of your Admin.

Ultimately, I wouldn't recommend this because you would have to re-apply the changes after each upgrade.
So maybe it would be best to just remove the tab all together from the navbar and just add one from nodes as tabs and generate a custom link?

Would that be the best bet? If so how can I remove the navbar media tab from the navbar?
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