XF 1.2 Nav bar text


Active member

I have a problem that i cant find :-)

If i go to my site, then the nav bar text shows up as bold.
nab bar bold.webp

If i go into a node or choose an other menu choise, the nav bar text is looking normal

nab bar .webp

I looked at the properties of the header navigation, but i cant find something wrong. This is happening on the default template and the custom template.

Anybody has an idea whats causing this?
Oops, my mistake, those are actually outside the forum_list template, as you can see.

So possibly the PAGE_CONTAINER template, or navigation.
Either way, it is definitely an edited template causing it.

This is how it should look:
I searched a lot, the few modifications i have in the template switcht off, but i still have this problem. CAnt figure this one out. Used firebug, but couldnt find the problem.
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