XF 1.5 MySQL Error with User Import


Well-known member
I try to import user data (with an add-on script) but halfway through the import stops and I get the following server error:

Mysqli statement execute error : Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x98\x98 9...' for column 'field_value' at row 1 - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214

I just need a little hint what the problem might be to look into it further.
Your add-on script either isn't converting data to UTF-8 or, if it is, it isn't limiting to 3 byte UTF-8 characters (which is what the collation used by XF1 supports).
SOLVED: You know what... through some fine user who pasted a native phone emoticon into a TEXT FIELD in the old database the CSV could not be imported...... Took my two days to figure that out. Removed the emoticon with a standard text editor and bingo the import worked... it should be penalized with electro shocks to use emoticon in account form fields... :LOL:

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