XF 1.2 MySql error when importing


Well-known member
Im importing a large vbulleting 3.8 forum to xenforo 1.2

importing script from the admincp showing no errors and smoothly increasing the percentage of import without any issues

but when i checked the mysql error log i see large numebrs of errors like this

140110  8:26:14 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave. Statement: UPDATE xf_thread
                        INNER JOIN (
                                SELECT thread_id, COUNT(*) AS total
                                FROM xf_thread_view
                                GROUP BY thread_id
                        ) AS xf_tv ON (xf_tv.thread_id = xf_thread.thread_id)
                        SET xf_thread.view_count = xf_thread.view_count + xf_tv.total
140110  8:26:14 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave. Statement: UPDATE xf_attachment
                        INNER JOIN (
                                SELECT attachment_id, COUNT(*) AS total
                                FROM xf_attachment_view
                                GROUP BY attachment_id
                        ) AS xf_av ON (xf_av.attachment_id = xf_attachment.attachment_id)
                        SET xf_attachment.view_count = xf_attachment.view_count + xf_av.total
140110  8:26:15 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe Statement: INSERT INTO xf_deferred
                                (execute_class, execute_data, unique_key, manual_execute, trigger_date)
                                ('Cron', 'a:0:{}', 'cron', '0', '1389360614')
                        ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                                execute_class = VALUES(execute_class),
                                execute_data = VALUES(execute_data),
                                manual_execute = VALUES(manual_execute),
                                trigger_date = VALUES(trigger_date)

Here is the full error log file: http://pastebin.com/DgekSMpE

Is it normal or is there any issue?
mysql-5.5.35-1.el6.remi.x86_64 on centos 6.3
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