My Signature


Well-known member
Is there a better way I can do my signature without putting the text into the images? The editor XenForo uses just seems crap... in every way :/ To write this topic I had to open chrome instead of using Opera as it decided it didn't want to work. Oh how I could rant for ages... back to the topic...

You can see what I am trying to do in the signature and it works I guess however I'm a perfectionist and this will just not do! If I have to I will just add text to the images, get someone good to and make it purty.
Do you just want linked images?

Nah. The links under the images I want to line up without having to put the dots in. The parser is removing extra white space so I can't use spaces and indents are only for per line. I'm thinking I will just have to link images (should have anyway) and have the text in the images.
Nothing against you Robbo, in fact I'm interested in some of your stuff. But it's this kind of lack of self-moderation that leads many admins to rethink their policy or to ban images altogether. By all means, use your signature to inform us of your offerings, but don't beat us over the head with it.
Nothing against you Robbo, in fact I'm interested in some of your stuff. But it's this kind of lack of self-moderation that leads many admins to rethink their policy or to ban images altogether. By all means, use your signature to inform us of your offerings, but don't beat us over the head with it.
I always meant to make them smaller. Just got too tired when doing it last night messing with it and other stuff. I would much rather a smaller faded out banner that lights up when you hover but such things aren't possible.
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