My Sci-Fi Online

What My Sci-Fi Online is, is a place for fans and casual fans to come together and discuss what they like or don't like about a TV show, movie, book or game. We're a friendly place and enjoy the company of other like-minded geeks.

Looking to further increase membership and engagement into buzzing activity. Looking into comments and critiques on my site. I'm currently working customizing the style into something more in tune to the site.


My Sci-Fi Online Forums
Recently upgraded to 1.2 RC 1 and made many changes to the forums. Changed our logo and went with using xendisconnect as our theme.
Currently working on -
  • adding more customizations to the theme
  • design better node icons
  • purchasing bobster's Showcase addon
This is just a small list that I'm planning on working on. Taking things slowly as I learn more and more about Xenforo and its many possibilities. Looking for any comments and/or critiques on what can be improved.
Thanks, definitely will have to get that sorted out. Use to use TapaTalk but trying to get away from apps and more into cross platform ways for people to access the site. Still might keep in though, still not sure.

Had to remove the two column layout css. This was the problem in causing the messed up look with the responsiveness of the theme.
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Thank you all. Was going for a light style as a lot of sites I've seen in the genre are mostly using dark themes. Might darken the background a bit eventually some time down the road.

The first logo I designed but wasn't really happy with it after awhile, had the new one designed and I'm liking it. A nice flat design and colors, give a look of retro sci-fi.
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Ah this was Russ's vb5 imitation style, well normally it's a style I don't like but i do like the enhancements you've made to it . Liking the multi-coloured sections though in the red area the lastpost gradient is still showing (not sure whether that was left in intentionally). Nice work. :)
Ah this was Russ's vb5 imitation style, well normally it's a style I don't like but i do like the enhancements you've made to it . Liking the multi-coloured sections though in the red area the lastpost gradient is still showing (not sure whether that was left in intentionally). Nice work. :)

Thank you Shelley, I was pulling my hair out in trying to find a new theme to use to go forward into 1.2 after Miner closed shop (was using one of his themes). Actually I've been staring it it for the past few days and I've never noticed that before :( will have to look in the css again to change that.
Added bobster's Showcase add-on as a review platform for books and comic books. The latest update to RC1 on it adds some great features and loving how easy it is to customize it to something we want. Still working out any kinks to come up but pretty happy with it.

Review Walkthrough 1.webp

Review Walkthrough 1.webp Review Walkthrough 2.webp
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