Add-on Specific usergroup online in Sidebar widget


Active member
(I'm hoping this may be a reasonably simple template edit.)

image_2023-09-14_081848096.webpMy forum is for an indie game which is under development. Several members of the development team have signed up and I am looking for a way to display when they're online. So as per the image to the left, we have Staff Online and then Members Online. I would like another section, in betwixt these, for Developers (or any other secondary usergroup) online.
Is this something someone would be willing to work on? Happy to discuss a fee.

This is definitely doable as just a template edit. I'm on mobile so haven't got source code but if you look at the user online block template you can essentially copy and paste it but wrap it in an ismemberof conditional.

<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.isMemberOf(x)">
Where x is your Developer usergroup ID.
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