XF 1.1 my footer has disappeared


Active member
I don't know how this happened but my forum footer is either broken in IE or completely gone in Firefox. I looked in Page_Container and don't see anything missing.

Here are some screenshots:

This is how it should look on the landing (home) page.

This is how the landing page looks now:

This is how the forum page looks. As you see there is no footer, no copyright info, no contact link, and no terms and rules link:


I did have a problem with adware and restored my computer a few days ago, but I don't see how that would have any bearing on the site. Other than that I haven't changed anything.
Hi Jake,

Checked the XenForo default style and you're right, it's a style problem -- the footer appears in both Firefox and IE. I was able to fix part of the problem for the custom style ("Blaze") by deselecting the child "Home" style). It works fine in Firefox, and partly in IE (the forum footer is restored in both) but the problem persists with the footer on the landing page in IE.

Footer on forum page in IE and Firefox - works:


Footer on landing page in Firefox - works:


Footer on landing page in IE - not working:


I'll PM you the URL.

Thank you Jake.


  • footer_home_original.webp
    3.7 KB · Views: 4
What am I checking for in the pagenode_container?


    <xen:breadcrumb source="$nodeBreadCrumbs" />

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I'm not using a callback, that I know of.
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