XF 2.1 My CRON are not running


Well-known member

I have a problem with my forum in XF 2.1 latest version. My CRON are not running, the date is 23 march 2020 but today is the 08 april 2020. I don't have any error nor warning, only noticed this.

I can run my CRON manually and it work great, but the date don't change..

EDIT : PHP 7.2.29, MySQL 5.5.60
Any idea about this ? :unsure:

Regards, SyTry
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A 403 error is being returned, which is a web server error.

Contact your host and ask them to investigate - some form of server security could be involved like mod_sec.
Yes thank you, my problem is the right to access the job.php file : 200, I've changed it to 604 and it work now ! (y)
Hello, sorry for the late reply. I can't figure out my problem, I've run this query and I have a "cron" in unique_key..

When I look in my console from my forum I have this error :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () : /job.php:1

If I try to access my job.php page I got an "Access denied" but not on XenForo Community, maybe this is related ? :unsure:

Regards, SyTry
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A 403 error is being returned, which is a web server error.

Contact your host and ask them to investigate - some form of server security could be involved like mod_sec.
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