Do we have to pay for a new license each time we want to install xenforo on a new domain? If so why? Why can't we just buy one and then you make us pay for updates? I love the software, its new made around 2010 right? And I love the sleak layout, easy to use buttons and everything. I am probably going to buy it if I don't have to buy multiple licenses. I mean buying multiple licenses is a lot of money for poor people, I aint even middle class. 150$ is a lot to fork out every time I want a new site... If I didn't have to do that I would DEFINIATELY 100% buy this software, its awesome, new community from what i can see, and it seems to be constantly growing.
Yeah whats even stupider is the idea of having to buy the software multiple times for each domain... Why not just charge us for updates if yu need money as devs? I'm a developer and I understand but 150$ is a lot of money... I mean like I just don't like the idea that I could set up a forum, have it all up, and bam no one even joins my site from my ads and I have to basically deal with it and never get a refund.
Something else which I would have liked to see would be a MyBB to XenForo importer/converter. I run MyBB right now and I am looking at other softwares, vbulletin is nice however their prices are way out of the question (i might as well hire someone to make software for me at that price)
I run basically 3 websites (2 which are being worked on still) and 1 of them is up but has no mybb converter here, the other 2 i wanna install fresh copies of xenforo however, paying 150$ per copy is out of the question, thats $300 for just 2 copies lol??
Okay i noticed it says u can buy bulk licenses of 3 for 130$ now how do I do this? when i try to add it to my cart 3 times it just goes up to 390$
Yeah whats even stupider is the idea of having to buy the software multiple times for each domain... Why not just charge us for updates if yu need money as devs? I'm a developer and I understand but 150$ is a lot of money... I mean like I just don't like the idea that I could set up a forum, have it all up, and bam no one even joins my site from my ads and I have to basically deal with it and never get a refund.
Something else which I would have liked to see would be a MyBB to XenForo importer/converter. I run MyBB right now and I am looking at other softwares, vbulletin is nice however their prices are way out of the question (i might as well hire someone to make software for me at that price)
I run basically 3 websites (2 which are being worked on still) and 1 of them is up but has no mybb converter here, the other 2 i wanna install fresh copies of xenforo however, paying 150$ per copy is out of the question, thats $300 for just 2 copies lol??
Okay i noticed it says u can buy bulk licenses of 3 for 130$ now how do I do this? when i try to add it to my cart 3 times it just goes up to 390$