MG 2.1 Moving to xf2.1 from xf1.5 with a broken import from vB4.4 Scandal gallery

Tom McIntyre

Active member
We we moved from vBulletin in 2017 we had a lot of problems with our attachments and galley images.

The attachments are sort of settled for posts but our media import did not go well. I tried to mimic the former structure with member albums for most of the content. The typical album breadcrumb is Home > Media > Albums > Member name . It does not look as nice as I wanted, but we have been using it.

i would like to go back to the old gallery content from vBulletin and try to re-import them.

The test upgrade we just did failed to import the user albums from our current site to the new test site so I am looking at quite a bit of work.

Our data/attachments folders have about 530,000 images stored. I believe that includes the gallery as well as the post attachments. I have the attachments working correctly after a difficult time moving the images to the test area.t

I almost crashed our server last night by running out of disk during the tar archive creation for the image duplication. Our facilities are all in house and we do not have a Unix system admin on staff.
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