XF 1.2 Moving Categories around in the Node tree


When I was laying out this website, I forgot to add the Corolla forum. Now that I am trying to add it (alphabetically), it wants to be displayed at the bottom. How do I move it into place? Do I have to go and delete the other forums and start again?


Brogan. You Rock! (y) Thanks again for taking the time to help and teach. I know that this was probably an easy/basic question but you saved me a bunch of time and retyping(like I was going to do).

As a quick note, when these get entered into the list, they all get a display order of 1. That is why when I would make a change, it always ended at the bottom and out of alphabetical order. Why not have them automatically generated as 1,2,3... as they get entered?

Or even on the node tree, have them be able to be grabbed by the mouse and moved up or down into displayed position? That would seem easier and more intuitive. But again, I am no expert and have no idea as to how much work that would be getting this to be a feature.

Thank you again!
Drag and drop ordering has been suggested.

My advice is to use orders in increments of at least 10 (10, 20, 30, etc.), then you have flexibility for the future with regards to inserting additional nodes.
The screenshot is just from editing a node. It hasn't changed. Display order is relevant only between sibling nodes.
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