XF 2.1 Move post to a different thread


I am having issues moving a post from one thread to another in a different forum. I have set almost all of the user group permissions for Admin to Yes. I can't seem to find the option to move the post after clicking on edit, is there a way to do this?
Moving posts is a moderator function, not administrator.

Select the post using the checkbox.
Use the moderation action bar pop up at the bottom of the page to choose the action.
Thank you. Since I allow my Admins to have full control of the board, it wouldn't hurt to have this function available to them correct? Or are there other implications?
Sign in as an administrator is ok, when I tried it, as long as he is also a moderator.

Look for the checkbox on the bottom left:
(If you do not have that, there is a problem for Xenforo.)

Place the cursor over it: "select for moderation"
Check it and you get a "Choose action" dialog box.
(Six moderator actions are available.)
Choose "Move posts"
Note that you place in the url of the thread you are moving to.
And when I just tried it, it placed the TO post as the TOP POST, and moved the existing post below.
And I think it renumbered the posts on the FROM.
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