Most Liked Threads / User Lists...

Windmill Design

New member
Hello all :)

I have created a template where I would like to feature four lists, or 'charts' for one of my sub-forums only as outlined below;

List A - Most Popular Users
Calculated by the total amount of likes a user has received from single sub-forum (original posts only if possible).

List B - Most Popular Thread (Overall)
Calculated by the total amount of likes an individual thread (original post only if possible) has gained from single sub-forum.

List C - Most Popular Thread (Past Week / Monday to Sunday or Past 7 days if easier)
Calculated by the total amount of likes an individual thread (original post only if possible) has gained from one sub-forum over the past seven days or by calendar week if possible.

List D - Most Popular Thread (Past 24 Hours)
Calculated by the total amount of likes an individual thread (original post only if possible) has gained from one sub-forum over the past 24 hours.

Each list should contain;

1. Number one of each list will contain the users avatar
2. Thread title
3. Username
4. Number of Likes for each category

Please could someone provide me with some guidance to pull the above information into individual lists for me (and hopefully others) to utilise and style accordingly.

Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to hearing your replies.
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