Monthly Lease?

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Not to be rude or anything, I hope I'm not coming off as an ass, but if it takes you 7 months to earn $140, have you ever thought about what your hourly rate is for yourself? Maybe you need to rethink your career lol :)
Nothing is going to stop pirates from getting software, but making it easier to gain access to the software is about as idiotic as it can get.

As for you being a student freelancer... Take a higher paying freelance job, and include the price for the software in the fee. Unless you're undercutting competition, and working at dirt cheap prices, you should easily be able to make the cost of the software + whatever you'd normally pay.
Thats a good point... but people dont trust a "kid" with high wages ;)
Not to be rude or anything, I hope I'm not coming off as an ass, but if it takes you 7 months to earn $140, have you ever thought about what your hourly rate is for yourself? Maybe you need to rethink your career lol :)
My hourly rate is high bro/sis... I do one job per 1-2 month... because I am too busy with my studies...
Thats a good point... but people dont trust a "kid" with high wages ;)
Show them a portfolio.

If they still won't trust you, find someone else. Quite honestly, they're just manipulating you for lower prices as you're self-conscious of your age, and experience.
My hourly rate is high bro/sis... I do one job per 1-2 month... because I am too busy with my studies...

So if you do 1-2 jobs a month, and you have no way of transfering the money out of paypal to your country(I'm assuming since you can't transfer in), that's 7-14 jobs in 7 months, still either 10 dollars a project or 20. Something just doesn't make since ;p.
So if you do 1-2 jobs a month, and you have no way of transfering the money out of paypal to your country(I'm assuming since you can't transfer in), that's 7-14 jobs in 7 months, still either 10 dollars a project or 20. Something just doesn't make since ;p.
I do one job per 1-2 month!
I actually considered leasing out licenses, but the piracy issue raised here is a good point. What stopped me mainly is that XF does not allow for transferring licenses, meaning that there really would be no leasing, but renting. And I don't want the hassle of that, really.
can you lease me one? :D

Uhm no. As I said, I merely toyed with the idea, without actually spending time thinking things through. *IF* I were to make such a move, I would want to make sure that the XenForo team is alright with that kind of construction.

Oh, and I'd expect 6 months paid in advance, to avoid ending up with lots of licenses that get 1 month payment and then I'd be stuck with them ;)
The summery of this thread:

He doesn't want to pay the full price,
he wants it,
XenForo does not have a lease option.

Your options are:

a) Get the money, then buy the license.
b) Do not use XenForo at this point.

Nothing you say can change those facts.
The summery of this thread:

He doesn't want to pay the full price,
he wants it,
XenForo does not have a lease option.

Your options are:

a) Get the money, then buy the license.
b) Do not use XenForo at this point.

Nothing you say can change those facts.

yes I know... and I am not complaining... just suggested it and got a BIG RED NO :D
Actually, I worked out a while back how to make a monthly lease option work in terms of piracy, the problem is as already stated, people buying licenses and not staying long enough to pay it off.
Actually, I worked out a while back how to make a monthly lease option work in terms of piracy, the problem is as already stated, people buying licenses and not staying long enough to pay it off.
Well... I want to start a commercial forum... so it would be long-term ;) I am not that kinda guy who backs away...
dunno why I hate the free scripts... thats the problem... else I would've started my community with either MyBB or phpBB...
Best of luck with your freelance work as a student, I hope you learn how to put some money aside every time and eventually have enough to buy XenForo.

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