[MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo

[MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo beta 2a

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Hm, WHERE is pop-up window? When logon in chat, i have ONLY shoutbox. This is bad for me...
You still can access the popup directly with URL yourboard.com/chat/ but what do you need exactly more in the shoutbox? Language support, I guess? If so, I'll add it in next version.

Thank you! Maybe it's better specify it in the instructions. ;-)
If I want a shout box on a xenforo's page I have to use it with widget framework?
Yes, there is a widget framework compatible shoutbox for your custom pages.
How do I have the chat always open? No matter what time I set, it always closes during some part of the day for a little bit.
Oh! Looks like a bug. Are you able to set opening hour to 0 and closing hour to 24? In previous version opening hour always reseted to 1 but I thought I fixed that in last update.
We have not pop-up in this case but full window mode. Pop-up in your chat was very convenience feature! :)

YES, russian language is fully support.

Shoutbox+pop-up window=that'll be nice! Thank you!
Getting back to you about the pop-up. I will not include this directly in a future release because of the workflow I wish to preserve (and maybe enhance in the future).
You can add this capability directly by editing the modm_ajaxchat_login template (or creating a TMS entry) and add the code in red (line 17):
Rich (BB code):
<div class="section">       
    <div class="sectionMain">
            <div class="heading">{xen:phrase modm_ajaxchat_login_disclaimer}</div>
            <div class="primaryContent baseHtml">{xen:phrase modm_ajaxchat_login_disclaimer_text}</div>

	<form action="{xen:link chat/shoutbox}" method="post" style="text-align: center;" target="_blank">
        <xen:if is="{$promptForUsername}">
		<dl class="ctrlUnit">

Language selection will be supported in next release, though.
A quick update about this add-on: it is going beta really soon with language support, and I'll then focus on xF 1.2 compatibility.

Hope you like it!
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