XF 2.1 Modify [img] to accept gifv?


I would like to extend the "img" bbcode to accept and render gifv from imgur.

Would appreciate if anyone can point me to any guides on how I can accomplish the above.

Thank you
Gifv is video files so it would not work with image button. You are more likely to have success creating a custom media code that embeds it like video using native browser player 🤔
I am in the process of migrating a vbulletin 3 site to xenforo.
We have modded the vbulletin site's bbcode parser to output video if the img tag contains imgur's gifv URL.

So now we have 2 options:
1. To mass convert all occurrences of gifv to XF's media tag after migrating the database
2. Make XF's bbcode parser accept gifv, hopefully in the form of an add-on.
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