Moderator Log [Deleted]


Well-known member
Bespoke submitted a new resource:

Moderator Log - Front end moderator log

Front end moderator log

Please note that all moderator log items are displayed without checking whether the moderator has permission to view the content of the logged item.
This means that if you have certain sections of your forum (such as specific threads) that are not available to all of your moderators, logged items from such areas will reveal the thread title to the moderator viewing the log.
I do not check for viewing permissions as there are too many possible moderator log...

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Can you add an option to have the moderation log as a standalone page, in the navbar or even better under "What's new"?, rather than under the moderations menu? I intend to use this as a transparency page, so all users can check the moderation log.
@Vanjoe, something like that would entail a slightly different add-on as it would require the log to be cached due to the potential amount of views.
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