📲 XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - Appify.mobi (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) 🔥 [Deleted]

If you'd consider then customisations for specific site based add-ons that have been made?
Is it doable?

Yes it is, but it takes some times. Some addons are already in the app, but we will add more and more over time :) Just request some addon on our forum :)

How would customization be handled? Custom logo okay, but what about custom splash and loading screens as well as custom (web)fonts?

You can customize the app with our dashboard : splash, logo, etc...
My apologies if this has been asked before, but how are you determining App users? Is this concurrent users? User's with permission? Downloads? What happens when a user downloads it and never uses it or never comes back to the site? Is there a way to manage these 'users' and their app rights?
My apologies if this has been asked before, but how are you determining App users? Is this concurrent users? User's with permission? Downloads? What happens when a user downloads it and never uses it or never comes back to the site? Is there a way to manage these 'users' and their app rights?

Users are a single app install. If you install the app, then you count as a user, even if you uninstall the mobile app.
The free limit is quite high, so I don't think we will change that (or we will never get paid...).

What do you think about this ?

And webfonts?

Yes, it's not possible right now but if many people want this feature, we will allow you to add webfonts in the app :) Just ask for a feature request at Appify's forum.

Waiting Impatiently

I will let you know on here when the app is getting more stable :)

Some bugs happened with Appify's mobile app generator & dashboard. We fixed these.
  • You can now disable or enable Android or iOS app generation (some users do not have a MAC or a Apple developer account, so it was useless for them to generate the iOS app)
  • We fixed Apple's mobile app generator, here is a tutorial on how to generate your iOS app : https://appify.mobi/forum/threads/ios-how-to-generate-my-ios-xenforo-mobile-app.248/ (there are a lot of steps, but don't worry it's quite easy if you have a MAC and one apple dev licence)
  • Some builds were stuck forever. We killed all these, you can now try again to generate your mobile app. Latest version should be 10.39.00.
To make support easier, please :
Jean-Baptiste updated 📲 XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - Appify.mobi (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) 🔥 with a new update entry:

Improvements & bug fixes - 10.40.00

- Improvement : we added a XenForo option to enable or disable mobile app node permissions, because some users did not see categories in the mobile app by default. Now, by default, you will see by default all the categories in the forum list, as it is in the web view - Thanks to hiddenking for the report.
- Improvement : We now ask the permission to access user's files & photos ONLY when uploading attachments (before, it was asking this permission on every pages where there...

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I’m trying your app and with iPhone 7 and iOS 12.2 I’m getting a blank page when I tap to display a thread.
I’m trying your app and with iPhone 7 and iOS 12.2 I’m getting a blank page when I tap to display a thread.

Which app ? RealityGaming ? Appify ? Can you tell me the app version number (you can find this at the bottom of the forum list).

Thanks :)
Jean-Baptiste updated 📲 XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - Appify.mobi (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) 🔥 with a new update entry:

New feature : custom fonts - 10.41.00

- You now can upload custom fonts in your Appify's dashboard, in order to customize a little bit more your mobile app ! - Thanks to Freelancer for the report. #254


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on Appify (10.39.00)

I updated the app to 10.41.00, I think this solved the issue.

Can the app be linked with your Google Analytics ? Also are users properly counted and shown in XF (current users etc)?

You mean your own google analytics ?
Yes the goal is to give some usage stats in of your users, but it's not ready yet.
Can you send a suggestion on Appify's forum so we can follow this task ?

Also are users properly counted and shown in XF (current users etc)?
Yes the mobile app counts how many mobile users are connected (and the total of users).
Jean-Baptiste updated 📲 XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - Appify.mobi (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) 🔥 with a new update entry:

Bug fixes & improvements - 10.42.00

- Improvement : We disabled Appify licence validation for Apple IP, so your app can't be rejected by Apple validation if you reached Appify's free quota
- Bug : Fixed a bug where we could not log-in into the app in some cases - Thanks to Anon for the report. #249
- Bug : Fixed a bug where like text could be shown as HTML when liking posts on XenForo 2.0 - Thanks to hiddenking for the report...

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I have tested realitygaming in Android, and some thing is so wrong with this app crash many times, wen i click in a new post auto reload everything and make download 10Mb uauuu why so much dowload to see a post?

I think the code have so much to tune, the speed problem is because the app is trying to download so much Mb i dont understand with this high size request to see a post!
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