Fixed Missing require prefix option

While this isn't an unreasonable feature to add, it's not something that was in XFRM1 either, so it's not really missing. Given that we're very close to release candidates, it's not something that we would be looking to add right now, so best to make a suggestion for it (if there isn't one).
While this isn't an unreasonable feature to add, it's not something that was in XFRM1 either, so it's not really missing. Given that we're very close to release candidates, it's not something that we would be looking to add right now, so best to make a suggestion for it (if there isn't one).
Mike, on my XF 1.5.15 install with RM 1.2.4 this option appears at the bottom of editing a category.... is that from some odd add-on or something?

XF 1.5 RM.webp
I'd have to guess that is from an add-on. (The phrase in use also references threads directly so I suspect we'd use a different phrase for it.)
I'd have to guess that is from an add-on. (The phrase in use also references threads directly so I suspect we'd use a different phrase for it.)
I just had a proverbial 'fire drill' trying to find out what add-on it's coming from since nothing I have enabled should be touching RM. The short answer is: It's an RM feature. :P

A fresh download of 1.2.4 has this in it....
    <xen:if is="{$prefixOptions}">
        <xen:require js="js/xenforo/acp_forum_editor.js" />
            <xen:controlunit label="{xen:phrase available_prefixes}:" class="multiple checkboxColumns AvailablePrefixes">
                <xen:hint><br /><label><input type="checkbox" class="CheckAll" data-target="dl.AvailablePrefixes" /> {xen:phrase select_all}</label></xen:hint>
                    <xen:foreach loop="$prefixOptions" key="$prefixGroupId" value="$prefixes">
                            <xen:foreach loop="$prefixes" key="$prefixId" value="$prefix">
                                <xen:option name="available_prefixes[]" value="{$prefixId}" selected="in_array({$prefixId}, {$categoryPrefixes})">{$prefix.label}</xen:option>

            <xen:checkboxunit label="">
                <xen:option name="require_prefix" selected="{$category.require_prefix}" hint="{xen:phrase if_selected_users_required_select_prefix_for_thread}">{xen:phrase require_users_to_select_prefix}</xen:option>
    <xen:else />
        <input type="hidden" name="default_thread_prefix" value="0" />
Oops, apologies. Turns out I didn't have any prefixes in where I was looking. I'll move this back.
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