Not a bug Minimum age can be set when date of birth is not required


Well-known member
Affected version
I do think this is sort of a bug.
A bit more on it in this thread:
I think that this is actually working as designed and required for GDPR compliance:

If you set a minimum age it goes into ToS and users that are below this age cannot legally register (well, they can - by lying that they agree to the ToS).
Yeah I think more troubleshooting would be required for this if the issue persists and it relates specifically to that option.

The first option explicitly relates to the registration form and if enabled, a date of birth will be required to be entered. If the second option is checked, and an age provided then the date of birth has to indicate they are that many years old. If the second option is unchecked, the date of birth input will be displayed, but it won't matter what age they are.

Whether the first option is enabled or not, if the second option is enabled, the minimum age will be added to the Ts and Cs.

So, all this to say, if you set a minimum age but do not require the date of birth, then this shouldn't have any effect on the registration process, so you might want to create a new troubleshooting thread with details of exactly what you're experiencing and how to reproduce it so we can look into it in more detail.
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