XF 1.4 Merge system question/change user_id


Well-known member
Hello all,

I have a couple of questions...

I was wondering how the merge system worked? Because I assume it must update various tables containing a member's user_id to match the chosen member's user_id?

If this is the case, would it be possible to use a similar system to change a user's user_id on it's own?

My main question: If I was to create a brand new member, with no posts, etc. What tables would need updating to change the user_id?

Reason being, I'm creating some staff accounts and user_ids from 2-7 are available, so I would prefer to use these ids for easy reference instead of having higher, easily forgettable numbers.

Thank you :)
There are tens of tables and many columns that need to be updated. You can look into the merge user code to get an idea of the process, but it's really not something that is automatically fool proof or potentially even 100% (particularly with add-ons). Attempting to manually change a user ID definitely isn't something we'd recommend.
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