Memory available


Well-known member
I have a server with 16gig of runs memcache. I have 2 XF sites on it and 1 ecom shop site.

In WHM it is reporting that only around 25% of memory is being used:

But when I log in to the server using Putty and run free -m it says it is using just about all memory:

Can anyone advise of an explanation for this...thanks
Linux uses all available memory for caching so normally you have free memory = 0.

WHM subtracts the caching so beginners are not irritated.
Just use the numbers from free and calc avail memory minus caching (in your screenshot: 16 GB minus 10 GB caching).
Was your site busy at these times? It probably would be better to give Mysql some RAM for caching...
No, it wasn't very busy when I took those screen shots. The reason I was asking is that I am having a chat room installed and the chat room people said there wasn't enough free memory to run it...they said that I only had about 1gig of memory available. Not being a server admin person I needed to verify what they were saying and whether there was a problem with my server...thanks again
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