Member's Reception to xenForo?

Thanks for that :) ... but will have to do my own as well, some may well have to be at the level of "The arrow I'm moving around is wot ewe use to click on things" :p.
Let me know when you got a bunch up on youtube or vimeo, and if we have user documentation (keep eye on xenfans tomorrow!) with very basic simple instructions for 'new to community users' - maybe we can embed a few of yours :)
When I'm ready for an import and switch my site over, I'm not going to breathe a word about it until it's done.
It won't be a huge deal, there are probably only 5 active members left haha and one of them is me so at least I know a min of 20% will be happy with the switch. IMO that's pretty good numbers to be sure of before I even get out of the gate :D
I'm going to ride out vB until there's XenArcade.

This is another area where forum software companies are sadly way behind the times.

Ideal solution is to partner with 3rd party developers to enable a one click (optional) installation of thousands of games.

This has sure worked and worked very profitably for the biggest forum on Earth. :confused:
Arcades have their place as an add-on only to forums, as do downloads sections, itrader systems, video galleries and classified ads (to name but a few). They're definitely not the future of online interaction and as such, them not being included within the base build of a forum is certainly not a failing or indeed putting the coders who develop such software "way behind the times."
Before I show it to any of them, I'm going to install a copy in a test area and see if I can migrate all of my forum to it. If my forum turns out to be a square block and xF a round hole, there is no point. I.E., if xF can't support my forum I won't even bother showing it to them.

I made that mistake with vB4 ... promises of superiority made me jump the gun only to find out it wouldn't work for my current forum (and that was just a version upgrade).
If XenForo can give us a jolt of life, then it's not just software, it's magic.
We're hoping for a similar dose of that magic for one site.
I was under the impression that forums lived or died based on the topic(s), discussions and users.

Seems to me that a change in software will only interest your existing users for a short time. A new user is going to judge it the way they always have; on the quality and relevance of the content.
I was under the impression that forums lived or died based on the topic(s), discussions and users.

Seems to me that a change in software will only interest your existing users for a short time. A new user is going to judge it the way they always have; on the quality and relevance of the content.

I think the point is that if the Admins are excited (as they will be), they will post more, and thus the community will be more active.. and members will post more ... and yadda yadda... pretty self explanatory I would have thought... apparently not though.

Your campaign of negativity is getting a touch on the boring side now Michael.
I was under the impression that forums lived or died based on the topic(s), discussions and users.

Seems to me that a change in software will only interest your existing users for a short time. A new user is going to judge it the way they always have; on the quality and relevance of the content.

I agree with this about 90%. The visual factor is about 10%. (Random numbers, just trying to make a point.)

How many of us were used to the way the forums looked, but once they went to 4.0 thought they were hideous? I sure did. Granted, I would never use a default theme for a forum, but 4.0 was just awful. Some minor improvements have appeared over time, but I was really turned off when they first made the switch.

I imagine that the same might hold true for forum platforms. I've really enjoyed using xenforo so far. The comment that I keep making to people is that "it's smooth... it flows".
Your campaign of negativity is getting a touch on the boring side now Michael.
You misspelled reality.

I'm not sure how pointing out that this, or any software, isn't going to make or break a forum is negative. You know I love you all and I just want the best for you. If a little kid came to me for help with her lemonade stand and her lemonade tasted like drain cleaner, I'd be doing her a disservice to encourage her. Fix the lemonade, then we'll work on the stand.

A forum is a product, and that product is the content of the forum, not the wrapper.
blah blah

Thank you for your wonderful insight Michael, I will be sure to take it to heart and instantly become an emo, probably just give up on life too... heck what's the point, apparently my lemonade sucks.

Life has now lost all meaning :(

.... or are you seriously so patronising that you honestly believe that I don't realise that a forum is only a product?

Either way, I think I will be disinclined to read your pearls of wisdom on the subject any further.
Thank you for your wonderful insight Michael, I will be sure to take it to heart and instantly become an emo...apparently my lemonade sucks.

.... or are you seriously so patronising that you honestly believe that I don't realise that a forum is only a product?
Now you've hurt my feelings.

I don't know anything about your lemonade, baby, or what "an emo" is - maybe you meant an emu. But I don't believe in that kind of Satanic shape-shifting nonsense, unless you are talking about Lycanthropy which is terrifyingly real.

When I brought up the issue of content previously there was vehement disagreement that content had anything to do with forums or anything else on the internet for that matter. So when I see people saying that this software will somehow revitalize an otherwise dead forum, I have to wonder if they are in that same content-is-meaningless cult.

When you talk about needing "magic" for a dead forum, you can't call a response like mine patronizing. I mean, you can. You can do whatever you'd like, obviously. Just keep Lycanthropy out of it, because that is serious stuff.
Back to the original topic please - this particular discussion isn't really going to go anywhere. Agree to disagree.
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