Members Online

Members Online 1.9

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When I change the "Hours" setting it adjusts the list properly but the title of the list still says "Members Online - Past 4 Hours" (it doesn't change to reflect the "Hours" change. Before I updated it to the latest version I had to enter a custom title, but that doesn't seem to work now. Did this change? Am I missing something? Thanks.
When I change the "Hours" setting it adjusts the list properly but the title of the list still says "Members Online - Past 4 Hours" (it doesn't change to reflect the "Hours" change. Before I updated it to the latest version I had to enter a custom title, but that doesn't seem to work now. Did this change? Am I missing something? Thanks.
@AndyB pointed out that I could easily fix this by editing the "membersonline_title" phrase.
I suggest a "...and XX more" or "Show All" at the bottom so all the members aren't shown at once.

Screen shot 2015-11-07 at 3.16.54 PM.webp
I would love to know how to create a widget with this content...

Put differently, I have "members online now" as a widget on my site front page. When I install this mod, and I turn off "members online now" in the forums sidebar, it ALSO turns it off on my front page widget. This would be fine if I had a widget for "members online - past x hours", but I am struggling to figure out how to make one from scratch.


In fact, now my widget for "members online now" does not appear to work at all on the front page - regardless of whether "members online now" or "members online - past x hours" is enabled on the forum page. It appears to have broken my front page widget(?)


It is the sidebar positions mod. Enabling that mod breaks the widget framework for my front page - regardless of whether the content is enabled on the forum page or not.
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To create an index where you can show what each user group color means, enter the following example code into the "Index" field of the Options page.
<span style="color:red;">Administrator</span> - <span style="color:#176093;">Member</span>
Is there anyway to make this feature work with Secondary User Groups?

Thanxx to AndyB (y), I learned about needing to set the User Name CSS first! :oops:
(In the AdminCP: Users > User Groups > Supporter in my case.)
He mentioned the User Group Styling section of the XF manual, which helped me to understand.
So yes, it works perfectly with Primary or Secondary User Groups. :cool:
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Thank you for these addons, I finally went ahead and disabled the widget framework to start using this.

I was curious if there's anyway to slip these members online in the footer of the website? It's a little too crowded for a sidebar on my forum.
Great addon, but i'm using the widget framework, and honestly would like to display the list under the fourm list.

Is there anyway to manually add this to the template?

Working with 1.5 but users are not sorted alphabetically - seems to be random.

Also is not showing the ledger that I input in the Index field:
<span style="color:#D46B2A;">Administrator</span> <span style="color:#ff0000;">Elite Moderator</span> <span style="color:#008000;">Graphic Artist</span> <span style="color:#008000;">Resolver</span> <span style="color:#086098;">VIP</span>
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