medals put in signature

Ok, so I tried that and the code doesn't work. Only the addon works but then it returns an error whenever you try to click on the actual medals that are above the sig. Any way I can get that fixed? Almost there guys, just don't want to have any errors...
So you just need to add the code to the template. And keep the option as old value.
Sorry to be bringing this up 'again' but xfrocks, I just don't see the medals when I add this code into the 'messages' templete:

<xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals">
            <xen:map from="$message" to="$user" />

Is there anyone who may be able to explain why my medals won't show?
I added that code into the mobile app template but it does not show in CONVERSATIONS. How can I get it to show there? I have the code so that the medals now show perfectly just under everyones signatures...
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