XF 1.2 Maxmimize speed of forumhome loading


Well-known member
What steps can I take to maximize the speed at which forumhome loads? It's taking a bit too long. Thanks.
What steps can I take to maximize the speed at which forumhome loads? It's taking a bit too long. Thanks.
If you're not using it or it doesn't much matter to you.... Removing the "share page" on the forum home will really speed it up.


wrap it all with this

If you're not using it or it doesn't much matter to you.... Removing the "share page" on the forum home will really speed it up.


wrap it all with this

You mean the "share this page" block? Why does that have such an effect on speed? Thanks.
Facebook and Twitter sometimes load slowly.

It has nothing to do with XenForo, but rather the script that shows the totals (how many likes on facebook and how many tweets on twitter)

I already got some likes and tweets from that block, though, even though my full forum has not yet been fully migrated. Wondering whether those notices are worth the slowdown...
I already got some likes and tweets from that block, though, even though my full forum has not yet been fully migrated. Wondering whether those notices are worth the slowdown...
In my opinion, they were not.

If anyone is going to recommend something, they're likely to do it for a thread / post anyways.
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