XF 2.0 Mass email not sending


Well-known member
I tried to mass email my members but it didn't work due to a sending too fast error. I have used the email users feature before without this problem so I'm not sure what changed. Also, after this happened, it looks like my welcome emails are not going out anymore either.

SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
550 5.7.1 [STF] Sending too fast. [8,3,7]
Essentially that's a limit imposed by your external SMTP server. XF isn't involved, beyond calling the SMTP server. We don't have any controls that limit sending rates.

You may need to contact your SMTP provider to see if they can reduce/remove the restrictions on your account.
It seems all emails are bouncing. A user just tried to reset their password and even that bounced. I don't know what went wrong but I contacted A2. Hopefully they can undo whatever email block it looks like is in place.
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