Implemented Make Spoiler Tag Toggle Enabled

John L.

Well-known member
With the spoiler button, it's nice the way it functions, but for many sites I can see not being able to re-close the spoiler being a problem. Depending on the content posted, it would be good to have that feature as a toggle. Also creating an option in the AdminCP to either enable or disable that feature depending on how the user wants the spoiler to function.

Thanks, but I need a toggle!
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Making this a toggle off-on would be great and also would match my current spoiler set-up

I can see the toggle being useful for those NSFW bits of a post. With the way that it currently works on here, once you click to reveal then that's it, no hiding without a screen refresh! At least with a toggle you can quickly open and close it before the boss sees it.

I'm not talking about me here, of course, just in general. :whistle:
Add me to the chorus of people who want the spoiler tag to be collapsible after opening. Here's why. On my board we often use spoiler tags to contain content that isn't necessarily safe for work (or flat out isn't safe). Sometimes you don't get indication from the context that the content may not be safe and you click the spoiler. With my current spoiler system, you can quickly re-hide. With this implementation, its not as convenient.
I agree. It would be nice to be able to toggle back to re-read the spoiler button.

I can see this being used for trivia questions / answers and jokes. (y)
People are also in habit of adding extra large images inside spoiler tags for the sake of others viewing benefit, having the ability to toggle open and close spoiler tag like with the current alternatives would be really helpful, and in usual people are used to being able to close spoiler tags again.
Add me to the chorus of people who want the spoiler tag to be collapsible after opening. Here's why. On my board we often use spoiler tags to contain content that isn't necessarily safe for work (or flat out isn't safe). Sometimes you don't get indication from the context that the content may not be safe and you click the spoiler. With my current spoiler system, you can quickly re-hide. With this implementation, its not as convenient.
With the custom BBCodes coming in 1.3 it will be trivial to add your own [NSFW] or similar code that works exactly as you want.
With the custom BBCodes coming in 1.3 it will be trivial to add your own [NSFW] or similar code that works exactly as you want.
It's even easier to create the spoiler toggle functionality by removing the data-hide attribute! These guys just want it as a core/default feature :)
With the custom BBCodes coming in 1.3 it will be trivial to add your own [NSFW] or similar code that works exactly as you want.

That's just silly to create a new tag that does exactly the same thing but can collapse. Pretty much every other spoiler tag in every other software that has the feature has it toggleable .

It's even easier to create the spoiler toggle functionality by removing the data-hide attribute! These guys just want it as a core/default feature :)

This. Just make it the default. That is the expected behavior for this type of BBCode for most everyone who has used it anywhere.
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