XF 1.3 Make Notices NOT show on external nodes?


Active member
I have external page nodes as in pages that are just HTML away from the forum pages.

Can I make notices that ONLY show on forum pages as in page with posts etc and not custom pages like landing pages I use templates and nodes for?
That's a XenForo Page node so if you set the notice to display globally, it will also display there.

There is no way of excluding specific pages or node types, you would need to limit the notice to e.g. the Forums tab or create multiple notices if you wish to also display it elsewhere.
That's because Page nodes still highlight the Forums tab (in the code).

As I mentioned above, you will need to create multiple notices and select the specific areas where you want them to display.

Failing that, you can use CSS to hide the notice from page nodes or edit the templates to stop it rendering at all.
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